7. maj 2024 12:30

Goran Vesić: Verujem da ćemo posle ove posete predsednika Sija Đinpinga moći da ugovorimo novu saradnju

Autor: Tanjug

Izvor: CGTN

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Goran Vesić: Verujem da ćemo posle ove posete predsednika Sija Đinpinga moći da ugovorimo novu saradnju

Foto: CGTN video

Ministar građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture Goran Vesić za CGTN Europe govori o poseti kineskog predsednika Sija Đinpinga i projektima koje je Srbija završila zahvaljajući podršci Kine. 

"Nakon posete predsednika Sija Đinpinga Srbiji 2016. godine, ugovorena je izgradnja nekoliko auto-puteva, brzih puteva i brze pruge. Sada će predsednik Kine moći da vidi rezultate te posete, tako da verujem da ćemo posle ove posete moći da ugovorimo novu saradnju i na taj način ćemo pomoći ekonomskom razvoju Srbije", ističe Vesić.

"Odlučili smo da osnova našeg ekonomskog razvoja bude razvoj infrastrukture, a upravo je to Kina uradila u periodu od 2000. godine kada je zabeležila enormni rast bruto domaćeg proizvoda kada je postala jedna od najvećih ekonomija sveta", navodi Vesić.

Talk to Serbian Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure

"After the last visit of President Xi Jinping to Serbia in 2016, the construction of several highways and expressways as well as the construction of a high-speed railway were contracted. Now President Xi Jinping will be able to see the results of that visit, so I believe that after this visit we will be able to contract new cooperation and that way we will help the economic development of Serbia", Vesić said.

"We made up our minds that the basis of our economic development, be the infrastructure development, and that is exactly what China did in the period since the year 2000, when it recorded an enormous growth in the gross domestic product when it became one of the largest economies in the world", Vesić said.