27. februar 2023 11:36

EU officials to meet with Vucic at around 4.15 pm

Autor: Tanjug


Foto: AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic, File/Darko Vojinovic

BRUSSELS - In Monday's round of the Brussels dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, scheduled to begin at 3 pm, EU officials are first due to meet with Pristina's PM Albin Kurti and then also with Serbian President Aleksdandar Vucic at around 4.15 pm.

The bilateral meetings are expected to last about an hour each and Vucic and Kurti should then have a trilateral meeting with EU foreign policy and security chief Josep Borrell and special envoy Miroslav Lajcak.

In case Vucic and Kurti fail to reach an agreement, the EU representatives will hold another round of bilateral meetings with the two leaders.

The European External Action Service plans to host a press conference at the end of the meeting.

Vucic has said recently he expected a very difficult meeting but that Serbia was committed to peace and stability in the region and that, in that context, he was ready to work on the concept and implementation of the proposed plan, but with clearly defined restrictions.