29. mart 2024 16:56

Petkovic meets with representatives of Quint, EU

Autor: Tanjug


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Petkovic meets with representatives of Quint, EU

Foto: TANJUG/Kancelarija za Kosovo i Metohiju

BELGRADE - The director of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic met with ambassadors and representatives of the Quint states - the US, the UK, France, Italy and Germany - and the head of the EU Delegation to Serbia on Friday to inform them of the political and security situation in Kosovo-Metohija, focusing on the most recent round of the Brussels dialogue.

Petkovic informed them in detail of the March 25 Brussels meeting held at the level of chief negotiators, and noted that Pristina had failed to demonstrate even minimal readiness to find a compromise solution regarding its unilateral and violent decision to abolish the Serbian dinar and dinar payment transactions in Kosovo-Metohija, while Belgrade had come with concrete and sustainable proposals.

According to a statement released by the Office, Petkovic noted that Pristina and its PM Albin Kurti were doing everything to expel the Serbs from Kosovo-Metohija.